Growth and expansion without working harder through spiritual principles and a purpose-led strategy.

This is your invitation to an exclusive retreat in Dubai for all my ambitious purpose-driven female entrepreneurs who are ready for the next chapter. To elevate beyond your current limits. To activate your greatest magic and potential. A realignment to your greatest truth, unbound from popular and trending paradigms. To deepen your art, your power and your gifts.

In every phase of a woman’s life, there lies an opportunity for transformation—one that’s waiting for you to seize it. You haven’t endured life’s challenges just to settle for mediocrity. Now is the time to step into your power.

Join me for four days of intimate spiritual healing, high-impact coaching and mentorship designed to unlock the extraordinary purpose within you. Through divine guidance and spiritual principles, you’ll uncover how your greatest challenges were actually setting the stage for your most significant breakthroughs.

Are ready for your business to evolve?

Making the impossible, possible

As a female leader navigating the current wave of change, you’re not alone. Today’s new ventures demand more than just your time; they require the clarity and space to flourish. This exclusive retreat is held in the heart of Dubai, a city whose motto is “making the impossible possible.”

Our small, exclusive group will gather to delve deep into what’s emerging within you. Whether it’s a new project or a profound shift in direction, we’ll help you clarify your vision, chart your path, and take the next bold steps. Embark on this journey to discover a more authentic and empowered version of yourself, elevate your consciousness, and reprogram your mindset for success.


You’ve always known you’re not here to blend in—you’re here to lead.

Your unique energy sets you apart, destined for something greater. You’ve felt it all along. The call to make an extraordinary impact on the world. You’re a natural-born leader; staying in the shadows was never an option for you. Your purpose is to illuminate the path for generations, embodying the divine feminine and creating abundance with ease, joy, and purpose.

You embrace all forms of energy, from the spiritual to the material—luxury, wealth, beauty. You want it all, and you deserve it all. Your essence is magnetic, playful, and filled with pleasure, and you’re ready to fully own it.

Critics may have told you that you’re “too much” or perhaps you fear being seen that way. But you know holding yourself back only cheats your soul. You are here to live unapologetically, to go all in, and to step into the fullness of who you truly are.

success stories

After my second session with Anna, I closed $108,000 including my first $80,000 client.

“After my second session with Anna, I closed $108,000 including my first $80,000 client! I’m so grateful for our sessions and I can see a whole new way of being. Coaching with Anna shifted my mindset and business vision to double my six figure business and achieve the time freedom I needed as an entrepreneur, mum and woman on a mission to pursue larger platforms to share my gifts. What seemed like a mountain of impossible become completely achievable and I saw the tangible results in revenue, new aligned team members and the ability to attract the clientele where I could be of greater service and feel more purposeful. Coaching with Anna is a no-brainer business investment – she has the ability to see the potential of your business and gifts and co-create the strategy to take you there. The best advice is to say YES to bringing her into your business inner circle as your mentor, guide and coach.”

Natasha Rockstrom – Global Legacy Coach

To elevate beyond your current limits.

You have the birthright to unleash your full potential and achieve your goals in life and in business.


You are a female business owner who desires to live life on her own terms. Already doing $100,000+ in revenues or more. And you’re ready for a soul-led strategy to scale optimising both the masculine and feminine principles.


Awaken and maximize your inner power for your massive business growth through energetics and mindset. Transform the inner world first, then the outer world will change.


Cultivate your superpower as a female leader to fuel your mission, purpose and impact. To re-assess and re-strategize so that you an evolve to next level without doing more.

Step into the next level of your purpose + power.
the Future of your Soul-led Empire

Your business is thriving, but deep down, you know there’s more to fulfill. You feel you should be further along, achieving the kind of success that reflects your true potential. You’ve reached a certain level, but not the pinnacle of your brilliance yet. And you’ve realised that working harder and longer isn’t the answer—it’s about elevating your energetic frequency and mindset to unlock your next level of growth.

You have the potential to lead a wildly successful business, but now it’s about refining your direction. It’s time to harness your brilliance, evolve, and claim your place as the leader you’re destined to be. As a visionary female entrepreneur, you’re ready to tap into your feminine power—leading with intuition, creativity, and flow.

This is your moment to step into your highest truth and take soul-aligned action toward your destiny. Deepen your connection with the universe, surrender to the wisdom of your soul, and align with your fullest, most expansive self. Your next level of success is waiting—step into it.

Hi there, I’m



I’m a Self-Made 7-Figure Spiritual Business Coach, serial entrepreneur,  International Speaker,  Master Enery Healer, and Spiritual Business Advisor. I work with extraordinary spiritual entrepreneurs and fate-changers looking to make more impact in this world. My unique gift is to tap into people’s energy fields, accessing the abundance frequency and rapidly remove all the energetic blocks that are holding them back.

I’ve run businesses since I was 23 years old. This is my 5th company. I’ve generated millions of pounds across my companies. I’ve sold luxury cars, luxury property, aeroplanes to airlines, certified energy healing courses and high-ticket coaching programs to entrepreneurs.

I’ve been part of high-level masterminds with female entrepreneurs generating over $50 million dollars in revenue in their businesses. I’ve worked across a broad range of industries but am ultimately committed to empowering women through personal growth and spiritual transformation so that they can get their greatest work out into the world.

At the highest level, I offer of private advisory and coaching to legacy leaders, change-makers, royalty, celebrities and business owners at the multiple 6-7 figures. I offer a unique blend of soul-led strategy, utilising innate intuitive ability, energetic recalibration and mindset reprogramming to accelerate results. With bespoke programs created for each private client to accelerate growth on every level as a high performer that is underpinned by soul-led purpose, divine timing and legacy.

Become the fully embodied leader you were always meant to be.

Your next evolution awaits!


Three immerse days will include guided meditation, visualisation, energy work with crystals, journal prompting, and social events to round out the programming. To deepen your art, your power and your gifts. To elevate every facet of your life and business. Design a life and business you’ll love! To provide such a high-touch experience, spaces will be extremely limited for only 16 women.

A Luxury Experience

A 5 star luxury experience, Michelin Star dining, curated gifting and high-touch for an intimate group of purpose-led Queens. SLS Dubai Hotel offers incomparable 360-degree views over the city. Recognised amongst the top hotels in the Middle East by Condé Nast Traveller’s Readers’ Choice Awards, SLS Dubai provides unobstructed views of the iconic Burj Khalifa.


There will be time for relaxation, self care, personal and professional growth, and networking with like-minded individuals, building lifetime connections. On the final day we set sail on a yacht over sunset. A celebration dinner and champagne will be served onboard.

To re-assess and re-strategise so that you can evolve to next level without doing more.

Cultivate your superpower as a female leader to fuel your mission, purpose and impact. Receive the highest-level feminine leadership coaching and spiritual mentorship as you expand your empire. Accelerate your growth at lightning speed without working harder or longer.

success stories

Kelly O’Neil had a different view of the world within just 30 mins and began to make decisions differently!

“I had the great fortune of being able to work with Anna Kitney recently. I’ve always been a believer that your business will only grow to the extent that you do and as a leader, it is extremely important to consistently elevate internally. Within 60 seconds of sitting down with Anna, she identified a core wound that was holding me back from bringing my next level of work to the world in the most powerful way that I was oblivious to. And within 30 minutes, it was cleared. Within 24 hours, I had a different view of the world and began to make decisions differently. People immediately started showing up differently in my life and new opportunities started flowing in. Anna is the real deal. Very grateful to have met her and had the opportunity to work with her.”

Kelly O’Neal – 7 Figure Award Winning Positioning and Profit Strategist

Kelly O'Neil

Magdalena Ponurska caused a 30% growth in enrolment at the Montessori school.

She manifested over $500,000 in grants and fundraising by 50%, that allowed her to offer additional scholarships to children who could not otherwise afford this type of education. She has speaking engagements booked and written 3 books.

Ready to step into the next level of your purpose + power?


DAY 1: Grand Vision and Initiation into Queendom

We’ll be looking at everything that is working and not working in your life and business. Guided meditations, a group Crystal Layout process, energetic clearings, journalling prompts and round table discussions to explore what is possible for you in your next chapter.

DAY 2: Healing the Past & Identity Transformation

Elevate your self-worth and unlock your abundant woman identity. We’ll confront the fears and guilt holding you back through deep discussions and transformative breakout sessions. Poolside journaling will help you define the Queen you’re ready to become—in life and business.

DAY 3: Strategy and Quantum Leaps

Integrating feminine leadership into business practices for sustainable success. SoulAlign® Quantum Jumping Technique to reverse engineer your soul-led strategies. We’ll be planning out specific projects and actions to take post-retreat, ensuring immediate implementation.

A celebration dinner in a Michelin star restaurant, and photo’s on the terrace overlooking the city skyline.

DAY 4: Sunset Yacht Tour

On the final day we set sail on a yacht over sunset. A guided meditation and special activation. Followed by a celebration dinner and champagne served onboard.


To ignite your next-level power and purpose.

This is more than just making connections—it’s about forging alliances with women who, like you, are unapologetically stepping into their greatness. It’s about walking away with a bold, soul-aligned plan that propels you forward with clarity and unwavering confidence as you embark on the most extraordinary chapter of your life yet. You were born to lead, to create, and to inspire—now is the time to claim it fully. The world is waiting for the impact only you can make.



3 days of immerse training to go to the next level
4th day Networking, drinks & dinner on Sunday yacht tour
The next level energetic and spiritual tools for the high-level leader
10am – 5pm
Refreshments and gourmet lunch each day
Curated gifting




3 days of immerse training to go to the next level
4th day Networking, drinks & dinner on yacht tour
The next level energetic and spiritual tools for the high-level leader
10am – 5pm
Refreshments and gourmet lunch each day
Curated gifting



IMPORTANT NOTES: Elevate Retreat does not include flights, transfers, accommodation, breakfast, dinner (except for the Saturday and Sunday). SLS Dubai Hotel have an exclusive delegate room rate available once you enrol onto the retreat. This event is not for start-ups with little or no business experience. You’re already a seasoned professional dong over $100K+ in annual revenues, seeking to elevate your business and lifestyle.

Do You Have Questions or Need Some Help?

We’re more than happy to answer any questions you might have, gain clarity and help you make the best choice for you.


Space to breathe, heal, evolve and think bigger.

An opportunity to step out of your business and re-set. To relax, self nurture and honour yourself as a woman and the way that we lead. To gift yourself the time and space to explore what else could be possible for you in this next chapter.